December 20, 2011

The Lady Mini Figure

Strange little story from NPR about Lego's efforts to create toys for girls. Features expert Bradley Weiners' gravely voice.


December 19, 2011

Tell and Cajole

So far, I'm enjoying Alec Baldwin's new show on WNYC, "Here's The Thing" because it still seems a bit rough around the edges. He sometimes struggles to stay on topic and clamors to get his own thoughts in, overstepping his guests.

Alec Baldwin's interview with Kris Kardashian Jenner almost, almost makes the Kardashian reality show sound like it's worth watching, but trust me, it's really not. In this interview the Kardashian matriarch comes across vastly more thoughtful and self-aware than she does on TV, and it makes me wonder to what extent the reality show flattens out the entire Kardashian family into a shallow, clumsily staged version of themselves.

Also, yes, in an off the cuff comment, Alec Baldwin does say that a future reality show might be "Keeping Up with The Klonopins." (An anti-seizure drug). I have no idea what that means.

PHOTO: Eva Rinaldi

December 12, 2011

Indoor Pollution

Lively and personal short report on air pollution in Beijing from NPR's Louisa Lim.

Link to story on